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Call the IT department from your old university and see if they will help. Feeld is a dating application to meet couples and singles.

Does deletion just make you invisible? Because if that happened it would, of course, limit the amount of customer data they can scrub from its service.

Feeld - Because the government have been given data without your knowledge.

Looking to permanently delete your Facebook account? Over the years, Facebook has seen its share of controversy in regards to the privacy of its users. Parents growing awareness of the site and how their kids were using it? Or perhaps it deserved it based on its ,? But it took a lot of digging to come up with the solution surrounding account and profile deactivation — and full-blown account removal from the service. Because if that happened it would, of course, limit the amount of customer data they can scrub from its service. Personally, I feel Facebook has crossed the line of unethical behavior on this. We designed our Data Policy to make important disclosures about how you can use Facebook to share with others and how we collect and can use your content and information. We encourage you to read the Data Policy, and to use it to help you make informed decisions. This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be available to others. We require applications to respect your privacy, and your agreement with that application will control how the application can use, store, and transfer that content and information. To learn more about Platform, including how you can control what information other people may share with applications, read our Data Policy and Platform Page. Deactivating Your Facebook Account: The same as Deleting your Account? Users can deactivate their Facebook account from the user interface without too much trouble. What surprised me was the fact that even after the account deactivates, you can still be tagged in photos, invited to events, etc.. So in short, deactivating your Facebook account is almost worthless. The wrong part about this is even after your account deactivates, the license granted to Facebook in section 2. This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. And, being that pretty much anything you plug into Facebook is immediately shared with your friends, per the Facebook Terms of service see highlight in bold, the license you grant Facebook stays in effect indefinitely even if you do manage to delete your account permanently. Oh, and it gets better. To re-activate your account, all you need to do is sign-in to Facebook or use your Facebook ID to sign-in to another service or post a comment on some sites and everything is right back where you left it as if you never left — pictures, friends, posts, your IP…. How to Really Delete Your Facebook Account Deep in the bowels of the Facebook help center, you can find the URL that will permanently delete your Facebook account. Before I show you the link, however, please read the following carefully: Deleting your Facebook will delete all of your account information and remove your ability to login to the service. No photos, friends, messages, status updates, etc. According to Facebook, once your account permanently deletes, there is no way to restore your account or your data. With that in mind, please move forward reading all large and fine print. Click Okay to continue. All done, sort of. How to Make Sure Facebook Permanently Deletes your Account Even after confirming the deletion of your account, Facebook will only deactivate it, leaving you 14 days to log back in and cancel the entire deletion. Fourteen days to delete my data? Facebook is in the data business — more specifically, your data, and it will go to great lengths to keep information including your employment, school history, friends, network, photos, tagged face, etc… which it managed to collect from you over the years in its social web. Other examples — Facebook chat clients like Pidgin or Adium. If you use these services, post a comment on a blog using Facebook Connect, or log in to a site using your Facebook account during your 14-day waiting period, and your FB account will be reactivated. Ouch… that one is going to hurt if your only Creds on DIGG. This is, however, the process that it laid out on its website if you managed to track it down. I have just permanently deleted my facebook account, and the procedure is, after I have done some thinking, the best one! The thing is you should write a very complicated password, including numbers and Big letters, at least 20 letters long, and you should change the password on your facebook account, to the new, complicated one… After you have changed the password to an unmemorable and impossible one, delete your account immediately, read and type your new complicated password in the process, and, after that is done, burn the little paper or delete an SMS containing the new and impossible password… Now your account is deleted, because not in a 100 years could you remember that complicated code, and log on to facebook again… Good luck! I did what was suggested by making a very large password with mixed letters and numbers. But, and this is very important. You can change your name so no one can find you on FB. I mean if they can keep your info, why not take some leniency with their rules. If you do not follow their rules of service, then they can cancel your account, well…HELLO!? No one finds you and you have a fake ID and always use an email address you are willing to cancel after this. So set up with hotmail or yahoo, not your primary address. Now if they want to play games to keep you on FB, they have built a wise trap for all of us, so we have to outsmart them to win. In changing your name, go to some worthless name or pick some criminal or nut case, like the Unabomber, Osama bin Laden, or Charlie Sheen. Just change the spelling slightly…for example Charley Sheen, Charley Shean, Charley Shine and so forth. Once FB has enough of these useless names, they will stop the BS. And we thought AOL was bad…MUHAHAHAHAHA. One other caveat, make sure you can delete your email account after doing this name change and using the very large password. Hey what can I say, it worked for me. I cannot logon, and they cannot use my email address to find me and my name is useless. So FB, build it better and we will build it smarter. Maybe not as fast as changing your birthday, but how about using an obviously fake name? My account was randomly disabled for using a fake name which included an apostrophe in it and I had to send in a clear copy of my government ID to prove it was a real account and get my account reinstated. They promptly reinstated my account with my unchangeable real ID name assigned to it. This way, you can wipe your slate clean remove all status updates, likes, pics, posts, comments, etc. My theory on facebook page to fan page conversion no longer works. The dumbest part of all this is that now people can even REPLY to a message from a closed or converted page. Obviously, no one will ever get that reply. Thanks for the article and this response. When I logged in it was like nothing happened. They REALLY want to track you and save your information. The internet is getting really, really scary. The biggest necessary evil in my life besides my divorce. Hi steve, i delete my facebook account my 14 days grace period is going it going to finished on january 25th. I have hired many young adults at my company and they are continuously on facebook, during work. Unfortunately, I have had to fire several employees for this. Do it on your break…. Seriously, is this what our society has come to? On another note, one of my 155 year old neices was absolutely stalked on facebook by a predator with a false identity. It happens all the time, folks. GET YOUR KIDS OFF FACEBOOK AND GET YOURSELF OFF AS WELL. If millions of people would do this, facebook would become obsolete and the world would be a much better and safer place. Want your identity stolen? Just open a facebook account. Except on Social Media,then Rant like an A hole. I truly can think of no use for facebook besides the new Sell Junk option. Ebay has me covered thanks Mark. I was out year ago. Made froups,no one posted…attempting anything not argumentative on Space book is a up hill battle. A rename to Trollbook, or Big Brothers Book of Nonsense may be slightly more appropriate. That being said, if you found my article because you were looking to delete your account then hopefully it helped inform you regarding Account Deactivate vs. Thanks for posting that link to permanently delete my account. Simon — Not only that but if you take a look at the terms of service section 2. I would assume this would include everything from access to your data marketers to photos iStockphotos. Thank you MrGroove, I really do wish to delete my FB account I set up like a naive little fool. They really are manipulative about it. It is really disgusting. I hope this does it. Dahgum, I tried leaving a comment, but somehow it got messed up. Delete it for good. I always did hate it…now I know why. The two week wait is completely reasonable. If someone else maliciously deleted your account, or you change your mind, you can recover. Also, do you think that they don't have redundancy on their systems to avoid data loss? There are valid reasons to build a system such that bulk deletes happen on a staggered basis and not on demand. Hiding the true DELETE link is the inexcusable part. You make a good point, if someone were to steal a facebook account and delete it, this might be the grace Window Facebook offers for someone to come back from vacation and login thus aborting the delete process. In regards to data redundancy I'm not sure I follow you. I have no issue with Facebook building redundant systems and taking backups not to lose data. That's the norm for any data center so I'm not sure I follow that part of your comment. That way you could if you wanted but it could not accidentally or programatically be recovered. I always thought they did the 14 Day Grace Period for the people who are quick to overreact based on emotions or do things they later regret. A lot of people delete their accounts then regret it, so I thought this is why they gave the 14 day grace period to give people a chance to reconsider. Imagine if every decision in life had a 14 day grace period. I believe they also did it this way because it not only benefits the user, but mainly benefits facebook. It's my job to protect my password. If I choose a bone head password or let my PC get hacked and they delete my facebook page, hack my gmail account or get into my banking info. I do agree with you tho regarding bulk deletes of accounts. With 300+ million accounts, depending on how many accounts are deleted I'm going to guess not many since it's so hard to find the delete link that's probably something you want to batch delete. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be available to others. I had no interested in all that warm-and-fuzzy-human-bonding-getting-stalked-by-people-I-didn't-like-in-High-School crap but did want to use the same email and username. By Zeus they make it hard. Only 14 days to go…BTW you instructions were crystal clear and the editorial delicious. Second, if they truly do delete your account, I would assume you COULD register a new account with a different name, identity etc… using the same email address. It would be a good test actually. Keep us looped in if you give it a try! I actually deleted my account with above mentioned method couple of months ago. Then waited patiently for 2 weeks. However, my account got deleted after 2 weeks. After reading you comment, I thought why not test if I could register with same email and other information again. I tried and it allowed me to create a new profile which contained same information as previous one. The conclusion is, they allow you to register using same email and information. I setup a test account last year when I wrote this post and I had a similar experience. They do let you delete the account however, with my account disabled I still was able to send friend requests to the test account I was deleting and I receive emails for those requests. Now that being said, I can also understand the 14 day waiting period. Imagine if someone figured out your password and then logged in and deleted your account… If you had hundreds of photos, friends, blog posts, business pages etc…. The 14 days is probably a reasonable period to allow a person to return from vacation, realize they have been hacked, login again and change their password. I want to delete it, create a personal account, then create a business page not account. But I am worried that I might not be able to reuse my company name. Has any one tried this with a business account? The Facebook form submit button did not work with Firefox 3. I just deleted an account and had to go thru IE in this case. Thanks for the link. I had enough with their raping of my personal life and selling my soul to the highest bidder. I was never honest about all the demographic or personal information anyway. Other than using my real name so people could find me, I never had anything remotely accurate in there ; Anyway, thanks for sharing this invaluable information! Kate — Very odd…. Tell your partner to try this. Step 1 — Login to Facebook and verify they are fully logged in and everything works. Step 2 — Click the DELETE Link: Step 3 — Report back here if it worked! Could be your cookies are not enabled properly or??? Why not just delete the information manually. I mean: delete your interests, delete your friends, delete your picture, untag yourself from all photos, delete all applications, change your name into something anonymous: john smith or so; Just add the phrase: account deleted on the info. Make the privacy settings as strict as possible. Once you have done all this… who cares if facebook still have an account that belonged to you. Pietro Agree that this can be done. But the point is why do you have to go through this pain? I should be able to delete my account whenever I wish. In fact, my friends have sent me direct, non-FB-based emails telling me that Fb is still posting automatic updates that I updated my Flickr account yes I removed my Flickr username from my Facebook account. Pietro I think your suggestion should be followed by everyone who wants to delete his or her profile on facebook. Combining your insight with the link posted by pk below, I would say STEP ONE is to complete bugger your account, delete photos and untag photos and revise the demographic info, change your name if it lets you. THEN after a month or two to give google and other search engines a chance to forget the old fb data STEP TWO is to delete the account. This strikes me as something similar to a naval crew scuttling the ship before surrendering. Deleted mine 10 days ago. What is most disappointing to me is that FB is no longer the same product I signed up for. I have my own damn blog where I can speak my mind and no one can shut me up. Facebook thinks they can: two of the blocked links were to articles mildly critical of Facebook, and the other was to an article about the oil well disaster in the Gulf! Can you believe this crap?!? They are a product. The way they work is multifaceted. The grace period is pretty common place and, I think, pretty fine. This is standard on most blog hosting websites and pretty much any social networking site. This is not a sign that facebook is working behind the scenes to sell all your information to the internet mafia. Stop jumping at any opportunity to be afraid of big things. This is the kind of information I would take into account when deciding what to be afraid of. Are they actively harmful vs. I find it works well. Your opinion on any of it being bad I completely disagree with. Might want to add an update: If you log into any of the services during that 14 day waiting period, you account will not be deleted. So if you have an IM client configured for FaceBook Chat, like Pidgin or Adium, that will reactivate your account. Same thing with commenting on a Blog using FaceBook Connect OAuth. Somwone more talented than me needs to help closed this F-ing-Face-book Blob creature that is devouring all our privacy, its as bad as SOPA, maybe worse! I so despise facebook, I have gone through this process including the one you just referenced 4 TIMES, hope this last one works, I am so sick of being f-booked! I never signed up on facebook and one I received an email from them saying someone has accepted my friendship… Sorry? I didnt ask for anything! After that I tried to signup and received a message saying my email was already registered… After a password reset I logged in, and I had already a bunch of friends I didnt know! Can someone tell what just happened?? Has anyone attempted to log in after 15 days and made sure that the 14 day deletion was actually honored? Facebook employees have anonymously stated that they never, ever delete anything, ever. Why would they delete a good email address which they can later sell. To test it out you could get yourself banned, wait a month then try to create another account with the same email address. I was on facebook for a little over a month when I got friended by a very close relative of a man who molested me as a teenager. I simply googled how do I permanently delete my facebook account and I got a wikihow which I printed out and followed the directions. It was exactly what you posted. I got nasty e-mails from people sent to my personal account which all of them had even before I joined facebook. I thought this was funny because it proved that if you really wanted me to know every single detail about your life you could just sit down and write me. But instead I was nothing but a number to you all along. In this instant information world not everybody cares about what little Suzy did last week in gymnastics. Not everybody wants to help you find a fish for your unicorn farm or whatever stupid game you are playing. So if they decide not to participate in facebook anymore because of whatever reason please respect that. I am glad that helped you in any way. I really tried but no matter how many comments I made about their special little children or tried to have a true friendship with them using facebook as a contact they always ignored me. I got tired of that and decided to make a stand. If you know me then you know how to get in touch with me. But if I am to get an e-mail every time you find a gold brick in your outhouse and I am supposed to be happy then I have better things to do. Like raising 4 kids without forcing their accomplishments on you. My kids could put most parents to shame with what all they have done. I feel as if I have my life back to myself. Thank god for that. Thanks for the informative and helpful post. You are a blessing for me and all who use the web. Before I completely read through your article I passed on your page link to friend and family along with why I am sharing this with them. I started us FB with the intentions of most other FB users — to connect with friends and family. Personally, my FB experience has detered me from ever using any social networking site of the type. Largely due in part to the fact that most of the user content is just mindless. Again, Thanks for bringing this Valuable information to light. Keep up the good work. I personally have come to enjoy StumbleUpon. It helps me find new websites but allows me to stay anonymous and only interact when I want to. I can build a network of people who like similar websites and recommend good sites as well. Look me up if you try it out — btw — I had prime rib last night and it was undercooked…. Be sure to keep in mind the advice from everyone here also. One more week and mine Should be gone for good. Although, I am still very curious about their data retention. Richard — If your using Facebook to authenticate with Pandora Facebook Connect then probably yes… You should login to Pandora and kill the connection before deleting your account. I think you can also go into Facebook and kill the access for Pandora. Anyone else out there able to answer Richards question? Do they still have the option to create a private profile just to admin a page? Hi Melissa, So yea, I have a facebook page at. The traffic I get from facebook is about 3% of my total traffic per month. What I do is each time I make a post on groovypost. They have apps which can do this for you automatically however I like to have more control over how the link is posted to the page. Now in regards to my personal privacy, my account at facebook is 100% anonymous. You can find me there at. The only reason I have an account on facebook is to drive traffic to my site groovyPost. Being that they have 350+ million users, I think it would be silly for me to ignore this userbase. Use Facebook if you want but just be educated about how the business is using your data. If enough people are educated however and demand that their user data not be shared, sold, etc… then you need to be prepared to start paying for the service. Personally I hope they go the Apple App Store route. Sell games and apps to their 350+ million users. Facebook takes a 50% cut so now they can get out of the User Data Auction business. Learn from politicians especially the UK Labour ones , they NEVER answer a question directly, and frequently answer with something entirely different. There is no legal comeback after all. And you can use a hotmail or gmail email address as well. Then just add the few people who you actually want to know about, or want to make contact with you, and resist any other friend request. The public at large is not. Facebook should be stopped to protect anyone who is unaware of their shady activities. I tried to post a link to this page on facebook. Just delete the account and you should be good. So, that could be even worse if you think about it. Now you could be locked out of facebook unable to delete your personal data or your account…. Hi — thanks for the information. Unfortunately, about 3 weeks ago, in conversation with several friends, someone asked why I didnt have a Facebook account. Upon doing so, i felt confident all was fine. So now, here I am again, trying to delete my account and feeling like its going to be ongoing. Judging from what you say, I wonder if someone has your account credentials. Changing your password before deleting the account is good. If a friend tells you about spam again, tell them to quit Facebook. It may be happening from any of the so-called services that Facebook will automatically sign up their users for. As long as you followed the account deletion process, wait a couple weeks and then see if your friends are being spammed by you. If so, tell them it is from Facebook, not you. It has always been a choice when other websites have offered it. You crack me up, but there is a serious side to all this control…way to much control and no royalties to boot! And in the years I have been using Fb service I have never been asked to register it. Even if I were on a public computer it still insists I register it. What has been fun, entertaining, and sociable makes me now wonder…is Big Brother watching…or is it only Little Brother, Face Book? These grown up college boys might have a rude awaking someday. Trying to control the Baby Boomers, once they realize the control, while the younger generation seems to care less at this point! Well it just might backfire like what happened to Roman, in a sense. It is the boomers that make Fb the success it is today and we are still yet viable today. You made my day Sir! Yet, this is a security measure. By registering your computer, they associate it to the account, meaning that if you, or anyone, tries to log into your account from another pc, you will have to anwser further verification questions before gaining admittance. I enjoyed your comparison of Facebook and the Roman empire. This holds true; history repeats itself. I have used the same analogy in reference to Facebook over at PC World — Hey all, I keep seeing many forum posts from people not knowing how to delete their facebook account; only deactivating. Probably has to do with using facebook credentials to log into other connected sites. Anyways, whenever I see such posts, I respond with the address to this page on groovyPost along with advice about what to do to avoid the re-activations. Being a regular PC World reader, I have posted a link to this page many times. If we all help others, maybe we can force facebook to go away, or change thier ways. Firing Zuckerburg would be a great start! If you dont want these networking sites to know your details. I mean come on, you dont have to smell a cake to eat it now do you? But never the less. What people should do. Now… Do I blame them? Facebook probably never expected the level of growth they experienced. That includes both TRAFFIC and DATA STORAGE. Imagine how much drive space is needed for Facebook to store ALL THOSE PHOTOS! Most likely, Ad Revenue like Google Adsense or other Click Revenue was not going to be enough so they probably figured out they needed to start digging deep into other ways to make revenue JUST TO KEEP THE SITE RUNNING….. Shop around and find one that meets both your Privacy and Social requirements. I think this will make for a really good article! Well, Richard, I suspect there are others who, as I did, join out of professional obligation to understand the functioning of the system, rather than to join in the fatuous colloquy that comprises 90% of what I see. Never did I give any data other than my email address, and just having that bit of data in the Facebook database became problematic over the last several months. I essentially gave the bad guys a line in to my inbox. Groove for the easy to follow steps to delete this security nightmare from my daily workflow. It is an article about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and he is explaining his intentions about Facebook privacy policy, plus there are videos also from news media. Contrite Facebook CEO promises new privacy controls: hi guys. However, another issue I have is that some of my friends post photos of me. And they never really listen when you request to have it removed! You should be able to go through the password reset process which will send an email to your email address which is set on your facebook account. If that is your Yahoo! You might try trying to reset your Yahoo email password first and get into that account. If you can, then you should be able to also reset your Facebook account password. Like I said, not a lot of options as I believe your FB account PW reset process uses email to reset the account. You should try it anyway as it might have changed since the last time I tried it. It might use other info now like Birth date and other things. I deactivated my account and of course it did nothing.. On July 23, 2010, I followed the instructions contained here to permanently delete my Facebook account. That same day, I received an email from Facebook, offering a link for me to use to undo that decision. Today is August 12, 2010, some three weeks after asking that my account be canceled. I attempted to sign in to my Facebook account, hoping that it would no longer be active or recognized, and was provided with a message box that informed me that my account was scheduled for deletion, and would I please either confirm the deletion or undo it. Now I was under the impression that after two weeks my account would be deleted, based on what I read within this blog. Anyway, it has been THREE weeks, now, and it is still pending deletion. I guess Facebook are dragging their feet, wanting to hold on to my personal info as long as possible. Thanks for this info and place to vent my dissatisfaction with that squirrely service! I made a mistake in my last post. The two-week timing was not from your blog, it was from the email Facebook sent me: ——- Hi Richard, We have received a request to permanently delete your account. Your account has been deactivated from the site and will be permanently deleted within 14 days. Oooooh, I wanna throttle someone! They lied to me! I am so mad I could chew nails and spit out tacks! I THOUGHT I had deleted mine three years ago. I tried logging back on, however, the email I had used to make the account is no longer active and I could not remember my password. I found some instructions for accessing your account if your email is no longer valid. I did so hoping they would grant me access so I could once again go in and delete it properly. Once you submit your initial request, it is placed in a queue and responded to accordingly. Who do I contact? It has been over three years since I have even looked at my account. I would really like to be done with this. You could send an email to and see if they respond any faster. In regards to the time it takes for them to get back to you…. Just imagine how many people a day ask them for help to delete, change, update their account etc… With that many customers it is actually amazing that they will have a human respond to you in the first place. So give it some time or send an email to the address and cross your fingers! ANDREW WROTE: Hi there. Thank you so much for you article on removing a Facebook account permanently. However, I am finding that after two weeks went by, I went to try to login to make sure that my account was deleted — only to find it reset once again. This is very infuriating. Thanks in advance Hi Andrew…. One thing you can try is sending an email to. Apparently you can send them an email asking them to delete your account and they ill get back to you in a few days. Then again, I heard from a few people that although this worked for them, for others they just send you to the link to deactivate your account again…. So hopefully it will work for you. Sorry AND welcome to the blog :BTW ; Thank you very much for showing me how to delete my account. It has been approximately 4 months since I last logged in after COMPLETELY removing my account. At the time having facebook was just too much of a distraction and hassle for the particular work rate I was at, and I really should have temporality deactivated it. Instead I referenced from here and thought I would be better off without facebook completely, and permanately removed my account. Now I really regret this, and with free time and friends to catch up with living far away, facebook could be quite useful. I was just wondering if anyone knew how I could possibly bring back a permanetly removed account, and if so would they be nice enough to tell me :? Regards, Harry Deactivateing facebook has been a problem before i signed up? My account information, pass word, and E-address is not working? I like yahoo, only i will not use facebook due to faulty erroneous action. Please Lapse this facebook account. I have exhausted all extra optison to enhance improvements. It has become to illicit??? Any different available courses of action will do. Sincerely Helen Theresa Grant Hi, all! One would think that they would modify their practices so as to appear more accomodating, at least publically, by offering more flexible and responsive options to those who want to rethink their involvement. No, MrGroove, Facebook ARE evil, because they lie and care nothing for their subscribers, except what those subscribers give them — personal, detailed information which they can then sell for money. Disclaimer: This opinion is personal, and may or may not reflect the views and opinions expressed by the owners or operators of GroovyPost. It is my personal opinion only, and is not shared by anyone else connected with this forum, unless they say so. I deactivated my account and went to log in the following day, only to find that I have been permanently deleted. They could still see those comments in their album even though I had deactivated. Apparently those no longer exist. Even though it did the night before. Also, is there no way of actually speaking to someone from facebook? Or is it all automated these days? I have several facebook accounts. One is the real me with my real name and photo, age, location, etc. I have a second account, using a fake name, address, photo, etc. That account is used to admin pages and groups, and to participate in other pages and groups. Logging on with the first account, I found that everything I had created in the second account was gone. There were gaps on pages where I remembered posting. All the groups I admin were unaccessible and did not appear when I typed their names into the search box. I wrote to asking why I had been disabled, and requested to be un-disabled. They actually responded and re-enabled the account, within 2 days. Everything came back — my pages and groups, previous posts in other groups, and all the other info. Then today, they disabled me again. So I started looking into how to just shut everything down permanently and never use facebook again. And continuing to use my photos, and keeping my email on file. I insist upon destroying everything rather than letting facebook have them. There must be a way to do this. Would they do the same thing with a full deletion? Does deletion just make you invisible? I have a much better understanding of what facebook is about than I did when I first signed up, and would like to remove permanently nearly everything I have ever posted in my personal account. Your blog post is very informative. Thanks for the feedback and the story. Now to your question…. When you actually look at the TERMS OF SERVICE and read the fine print there is actually little difference between the Deactivation and the Delete process and this is why. This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. Perhaps they are talking about messages you post on other peoples WALLS or perhaps they are talking about photos you have shared with other people. My suggestion would be to try to get logged back in, delete everything possible on your account, un-friend all your friends, delete all your apps, then start the account deletion process. Because I deleted it earlier in the year and 3 weeks later it was still there. I am not happy at all. Does anyone know the reason for this? Or have had the same problem? S Yes I have followed every instruction above and everything has happened except for the actual deletion!!! Basically BEFORE you try to delete your account you need to go through and MANUALLY delete EVERYTHING, comments, tags of you in photos, applications, yes — EVERYTHING! Then delete your account. Fingers crossed I am out — or will be in 14 days My question is on false Facebook profiles. My son got hit with a false profile. We notified Facebook and it eventually seemed to disappeared from the web. No email from Facebook — no word at all. What are the chances it has been permanently removed? Could it have been revived within the 14 day period? Sorry — false profile might be local term. Then accepted friends without my son knowing — including relatives who thought it was real. Later posted porn — racially offensive material. I sent complaint but could not discuss with Facebook. The page disappeared after a week but despite attempts by his school to track, the person who created it was never revealed. I am wondering if it was likely to have permanently deleted or just disabled and could be revived again at a later date. Kind regards … After many months of having followed the advice here to remove myself from facebook I received an unsolicited, unwanted, spam email from facebook. Thanks, Paper Memories Plus This is the first time I have received an email from facebook or facebook related, but apparently they do not remove the information they collected and still make use of it. I may be wrong, but it appears that facebook will never get rid of a persons info. I wanted to delete my account and just deactivated by mistake thank you I remember when I deleted a myspace account awhile ago that was easier then this. I had to read two to three articles before I found a link to permanently delete my account and this is the one of those articles i consulted. Even if I want to communicate with my best friend its not worth having this account to do so he has all my contact info already. I want to delete my Facebook. I noticed that some posts that I posted in a few Facebook Groups that I belong to are showing up on my Google Search. Or must I message the administrator s of these groups and ask them to delete them? About a year ago My wife who is Chinese had to go Back to China because of an Illness in the family. She is still there. So I deleted her account; went through the entire rigmarole of the Deletion process much the same as you described above. After many attempts including a call to Cust. This is not in reply to any particular post, but to everyone who has visited this discussion, or posted to it, or who may be having problems accomplishing the deletion process that it addresses. Using the instructions provided above, I successfully deleted my FaceBook account. The information provided in this forum is sufficient to accomplish that task. Thanks to groovyPost and its FaceBook gurus for helping me do this! As the experts in this matter have said, there are pitfalls that can cause your deletion process to fail, and I would like to offer a couple of things that might help prevent that failure. First, for Firefox users, there is an add-on for your browser that can prevent any connection to FaceBook, or any other service that you want to block. Check it out and see whether it might possibly help you. Second, you might want to consider installing an IP blocker. IPs are the Internet numbers that belong to the web sites you connect to. Think of them as phone numbers for the Internet. Some sites are malicious, and will harm your computer. So it would be really good if you had a program for your computer that would simply block the numbers that are known to be bad, right? Go to to find the blocklists that make this software work at its best. And how does this relate to deleting your FaceBook account? The best way to do that is to block any and all attempts by FaceBook to access your computer. The Netweasel Try the email address as I explained here: you might be able to just shoot them an email and have facebook delete your account. Another option is to use the password reset option at facebook. Reset your password, which will send an email to your email address then login, delete all your friends, messages, everything etc…. Keep us updated on your progress! Would you mind taking a screenshot of what you see and post it in my forum? I have a new fb account now but show 2 accounts. Can I ever get rid of the old account??? I tryed everything to get back my old Yahoo email account back —someone must have put someone elses answer. That is why I can into my old FB acount. For what is worth, worked for me back in June. Yes, believe it or not I actually got a meaningful reply from this email address! My problem is , is that I lost my password for my old Yahoo email. I just want to get rid of the old FB account. My old FB account is connected to my old Email account. Will I ever be able to get rid of the old Fb account?? I do not have access to email listed on facebook and I cannot log in to facebook because i forgot my password. You should try to get that email address re-enabled. Call the IT department from your old university and see if they will help. If not, you could try to email and see if they will help you. My guess is your out of luck. Either-way, please post back here and let us know what happens. You might try to reset the password by going through that process then check all your email addresses. You might get lucky. Does that make sense? I would really appreciate any help! After patiently going through the recommended process, my account was totally removed. The proof of that success at eradicating my Facebook account came when I tried to log back in, and Facebook had no idea who I was. I even tried to remind them of my identity using my email address, password, and other clues, but they had completely forgotten me. The farther I can get away from Facebook, the better! Sorry if this is not the right venue for it. Just follow the instructions and use the help provided here, and you, too, can be free of this member-groping voyeur service. Even though I just found this it is still great info. Do they just put peoples names in there and wait for them to open account? Or did someone else open it? Any help is cool. Hi man, thank you for this post it was a great way of clearing doubts. I think i got it figured it out now, but I decided to comment anyway to at least show you some gratitude. I guess I have the same kind of problem as Mr DitchFB up there somewhere. I have a band and we messed up by creating 2 different pages in the same account, one profile and one as artist, we tried to delete it all and start it over with different emails etc, but all we did was mess it up even harder, now we even got the links all wrong. But this was before i found your tutorial lol. I tried to set up an official fan page which I think I successfully did. Then apparently I also set up a personal page using the same email. Is it my understanding I messed up and have to delete and start over to get just a fan page? I started a business account. I already had a personal account. I now have 2 accounts of fb which is illegal — to them. I read in previous posts that in two weeks the email address will be free — but what about the business name? Thank You for saving me a lot of precious time I lost usinf FB. I am just curious does FB stores user data somewhere else so even I have deleted all stuff they own some kind of copies. If you read the terms of service on the Facebook website here: If you take a look at Section 2. I personally think that is pretty rare however. That being said, we really need someone from facebook to help us define the use cases or scenerios it is referring to in order to properly translate exactly what they are saying in Sections 2. This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. There is a Firefox add-on that blocks connections between your computer and Facebook while you browse the Internet. I have both NoFace and Ghostery installed in Firefox and they work just fine. I find it much easier to use. Use common sense when this happens! I hope this helps someone. I also noticed my self being sucked into arguments on certain groups I would join, by the trolls that joined for that reason only! I am sure I can spend my time in a much better way, and in a much better place, ie. What ever the day brings, it has to be more productive, than the last 13 months wasted on face-book! The platform that our website is built on requires email entries for comments. This is for 3 reasons: 1. There is a database of spammer email addresses that automatically have comments deleted. So you can be emailed if someone replies to your comment. If you it will display next to your comment as your icon. What about just deleting Pages? Friends can send you messages and all sorts of stuff however it will not impact your permanent facebook account delete. One personal suggestion however…. Delete all photos, messages etc… Then un-friend everyone THEN delete your account. Just a quick question. You see i was just recently hacked and now i have no control over my gmail and facebook. I made a new email and password. So once my account gets unlocked i will be able to log in. Me or a different me? Or would i log on to me, but none of my posts and comments and other things and friends not be saved. Well and which ever one it is how will i know that they arent going to do it again. I mean i dont want to keep getting hacked when the only thing i do on facebook is a game. Hi Rabbit… Well, you really are not in a good place. Getting hacked online has to be one of the most stressful things that can happen to a person. Did you GMAIL account have any emails from other accounts like banking or otherwise? Hopefully you are able to get access back into your gmail account and your facebook account asap before more damage is done. You might try to contact and try to get access to your account that way. If you want more tips or questions about security, try to post your question in my security section of the forum here: Derek — It was my pleasure! Thanks for the great feedback and all the great comments on the blog recently. And your right, Facebook is just one of many sites you need to think twice about sharing personal information. Take a read at another groovyPost here where I talk about a few other services: And yeah…. My husband thinks I did this on purpose so I could get back on FB, so I would really like some help here. It worked but I lost all my contacts. Could you please tel me what I have to do. Thanks a lot An old girlfriend found my Name from my Face Book Page by using the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD link and typing in my email address. I had changed the email address associated with my account, but it looks like Facebook keeps the old emai address also. Does anyone know anything about this, and how I can remove the old email accounts from my FB account? No, I just dont want people finding me on FaceBook by seaching for me using an old email address. I changed my email address to a new one on Face Book, but my name comes up when someone uses the FORGET MY PASSWORD link, and types in my old email address. How do I see what email accounts are linked to mt FB account and can I delete them? Is that suppose to happen because I want my facebook account totally gone but it keeps showing up. Reminds me of Windows: click on a an option, then apply it and next ok it. The click to chose the option in the first place would not do. Facebook forces their mobil view upon at least iPhone users. It is amatter of respect a cookie which can store a choise to use the ordinary full site view. Since iPhone is very capable iin presenting full size web pages it is the better option imo. But Facebook forces you back to the mobile view after clickin the main links up on the left side. Yes I have been bug reporting about this a couple of time but with no result. Do i check the email alert opt out, or will that just allow me not to know when people have tagged me etc? Basically i dont want to permanently delete, however i dont want to be tagged or have my wall written on etc I have deleted my account on facebook, but i am still getting emails from it, I know i have deleted it permanently because when i tried to reactivate it, it says that no account has my email address. Does anyone know why this is happening? And how i can stop it, because their emails are getting really annoying. I asked facebook to permanently delete my account, follow all the procedure that is showed on this blog but now, after four months my account is still there on facebook! Even the option to add me as a friend and to send me a message. Even thinking about suing them as that seems to be the only way to acctually get respond from them. What can I do to delete my name from that disgusting site? Quick question: Not sure if this was already asked so I apologize if it was. I deactivated my facebook only to realize a week later that I had used my facebook login to create an account on Flickr. I use flickr very often and am disappointed that my only option may be to reactivate my Facebook to be able to use flickr. Is there anyway to keep using flickr without my facebook login or will I have to start over with Flickr? And would you happen to know whether or not my flickr account is even still there since I deleted my FB? That being said, if you did use your facebook account to login to Flickr, the 14 day timer to delete your account has been deactivated so you will need to go through the steps I listed above again to delete your account. Groove- I hope you or another reader can help me with a question… I have a super old fb account I need to delete. However I no longer have access to the original email address because it expired. I was still able to log into facebook with the expired email and my password and I completed the deltetion request. My question is will the account still delete even though I will not receive the confirming email? Thanks in advance for your help! One more quick question for you- Does the 14 day delete period start the same day you submit the delete request or does it begin the next day? I just want to ensure I wait long enough before checking to make sure the account is gone. Thanks again for the wonderful website and awesome articles! Michelle — Just to be safe, I would wait a full 16 or 17 days personally just to be safe. The facebook process is a bit of a black box. Just to be safe, just wait 15 or 16 days and you can test it with a login I would guess. Hope that helps and THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK! Be sure to subscribe to our Daily newsletter for a daily dose of groovy tips! Thank you again and a lot of my friends will find this very helpful as FB is really out of control now. If big corparations like Sony and the MOD can get hacked, What chance does FB stand, Thanks Hi, I just wanted to share my experience of supposedly deleting my facebook data and pages. I have not succeeded! I followed a procedure identical to that you describe. I waited months and thought it was gone. The link on google took me to a website yasni dot com. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page. This shows that they are still making public an icon of a photo of my face from facebook. So much for deleting my data! However an icon of a photo of my face IS available. Maybe to lure friends to join facebook? I was under the impression that when you deactivated it, as long as you did not log in, the account would delete after a few weeks. Thanks for this article, hopefully I have got rid of the dreaded facebook account. Seriously Never Again will I be dumb enough to get a profile with facebook again. Google+ have clear instructions on how to delete profiles without the runaround. This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. And if she deletes them now during the deletion pending phase will that somehow trigger my account to become active again? OR does this just mean they can use the videos if they choose to? Mamabear — Great questions. You have nothing to worry about. Although you sent the video to your friend that will not impact the 14 day timer and then account deletion. All it means is that after your account is deleted, Facebook still has the right to keep that video you sent to your friend on facebook until they delete it. Nothing to worry about. Please Help deleting this fake profile. If you are a Dj or something and no longer care to keep your page open or just want to erase your history of posts, comments, likes…etc. You will not be able to see the walls or status updates from anyone who has a regular page, and you can only reply to your fans — IF they comment on your status! I created a profile so I could create a business page. But I now want to start over again and still be able to create a business page using the same business name. If I delete the page will I be able to create it again using different parameters and no link to my personal page? Or do I also have to delete the personal Business page? I would like to know that if I delete my FB account, FB will stop following me around the internet? I am so pissed off to see the FB plugin everytime I go to other websites. I consider this a gross invasion of privacy. Also clear your cache stated earlier and history, and cookies. Thanks for you assistance BTW. For Windows users, clean up the registry. Click start, Win 7 gives you a search box, other win users click on run, then type in REGEDIT. In the top left, click on edit, find. Type in FACEBOOK, then hit enter. It will find plug-ins, hit delete key, confirm deletion. Hit F3 to continue the search and delete all reminences of FB. Hi — Thanks for the tip DaddyBird. Just a note however to those less technical. When you go into the Registry, be very careful. Just search for backup here on groovyPost for a few articles on backing things up just in case you have an issue. I am just trying to help. I know how frustrating it can be. Thanks for all you do. Technology changes faster than I can type this message. Thanks again, Pat someone one of my friend has changed email id in my facebook account and i came to know after 15 days now when i am trying to cancel it and wanna my Email ID back its shows the link is expired. Even though you complete the process of not going on facebook for 14 days. All your fb messages are still on all your friends inbox messages. Minus your picture and name but still what you wrote to them. And which in doing that actually takes everything off fb including the fb messages. Now, i wish i never actually fully deleted it. Hello Steve Krause and all readers of this useful blog, I followed your instructions to delete my FB account and I am waiting for it to be permanently deleted after 14 days. I want to know if the content that will be deleted includes also the messages and chat conversations we sent to other FB users. Otherwise, will they still be able to read what we sent them even if we delete permanently our accounts? Hi Mimi — Actually, I think if you sent anything to another user on facebook — messages, photos, etc… — that data will not be deleted. If you read the terms of service on facebook, it says this specifically IE: You grant them a license in perpetuity for the data you send to other people. Your best bet however will be to contact her old university and try to get her email re-enabled so she can access her email there. Found your site very informative however after I deleted my acct, Im getting these Facebook login posts everywhere asking me to login. Do you know how to stop this. Shutting down is the only way to remove it. Any ideas on this problem? In early sept I deleted my facebook account got the 14 days waffle etc. So how does that work, I have deleted all history , cookies and email reference to facebook and logged in under an IP Hider and it was there waiting. I know what you mean petergf. I deleted my Facebook account and waited more than 2 weeks before I checked if it was gone. Upon checking today there it was, my email and password ready to go. These people are pigs and they need to be sued. That effeminate little creep Zuckerhead needs his comeuppance. However, what about the conclusion? Are you positive concerning the supply? Some one made a statement earlier, to just change your birthdate. Not to be rude, but that does not get rid of the account. It may stop getting junk, but whatever you had out there …well is still there. Please listen to Steve. Facebook has locked me out of my account, and even after emailing them at least 40 times, they will not delete or deactivate my account unless I upload a Governemnt Issued Photo ID. I absolutely refuse to submit my i. I NEVER agreed to this when I signed up years ago! Is there anything I can do to have them deactivate my account? It has been months and everyone can see my facebook page , except me! I am not asking them for access to the account, only for them to deactivate it and they refuse. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I feel like it is compromising my safety, and the safety of my family. Has anyone discovered how to actually totally, get rid of a facebook account? Your account has been deactivated from the site and will be permanently deleted within 14 days. If you did not request to permanently delete your account, please login to Facebook to cancel this request: Wow, I just had an Ex girlfriend hack into my Facebook account and change all my personal information to very demeaning things. What would you suggest? Sure wish there was a way to prove she did it and file charges for tampering. First thing I would do is CHANGE your password. Delete as much as you can including all your friends, photos, messages, etc…. Last step is to delete your accounting using the steps I wrote about in this article. From there you should be good. Doing this will abort the perm. Thank god I found this website. I originally came on this site to find out how to delete a windows live account. But it was the false deactivation apparently. I logged on and everything was still there. Everything you need to know about their lives is right there in a post. Bascically the same thing as facebook, but you get more privacy. And personally like a lot of people have noticed or will notice eventually. It officially creeped me out that my privacy was invaded and they knew everything about my life without me saying a word to them. And that they wont date someone they know nothing about. Which is pretty sad what happened to getting to know someone the old fashion way through talking. And if anyone bothered to read this long post. I am a teenager. The reason for this is as such: most websites have this embedded facebook crap, and some of it counts as facebook interaction just because your cursor touched it, let a lone clicked it. Its absolutely absurd how much data facebook collects on you, even when your not even logged in. Just use this link: To open your hosts file. At the very bottom, add the following: 127. Before Going through the Facebook account deletion process, change your password. Ideally, use a password generated by a random password generator, so that you will have a hard time remembering it to sign in in those last 12 hours of the 14 day period. This way, any app or program or anything which logs in to Facebook on your behalf, will have the wrong password, and will not be able to inadvertently log in!! Because when I try to open my account on Facebook then I feel that my that you try to ignore me. I say sorry to you for my misunderstanding or mistakes. Means you have more experience man from any other one. If this happen due to me then I never forgive myself for this. At end I say again sorry to you for my behave. Thanks I deleted my facebook because someone hacked it and started pretending to be me. I went through all of the steps and waited all 14 days. I thought my facebook was deleted until my friend told me my profile still exist. She then showed me. I tried to log back on to see if there was another way i could delete it. I typed in my username and password but when i hit log in it just told me that my email didnt exist on facebook. I really want to delete my profile.. Now my husband has created one fb account using the same email id. Now i am unable to access my accout using my password, as id is same for both me n my hubby. Pls tell me wat to do now. I used to have a facebook account since 2008 then one beautiful summer day I decided to delete it. I used the link given above after I removed every picture and info ,never logged in for a period of at least two weeks so when I came back to check ,my account was deleted. Two months ago I created a new account using my old name and everything was just fine until yesterday. While I was chatting with friends I was asked to reconnect and when I tried to do so I got a message saying :Fake name — your account is blocked -please try again in 10 minutes. Well I tried several times to log in with no success. I changed my password 5-6 times and after 5 hours or so I was asked to provide my name as appeared in my account and my e-mail. I sent two e-mails to facebook and received no reply at all. Question is what do I do. Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance Ya I thought my FB was deleted two years ago till someone or something hacked my hotmail then FB. Thats the first reason, second one is i dont like the idea that facebook is taking advantage of my personal info. Steve Krause, i would like to thank u very much for providing me the link to the delete page and showing me what to do, if u didnt do that i would have just deactivated my account which would be absolutely meaningless. Another words will my name still appear on anything what so ever even if my account was successfully deleted? Remember how easy it was to delete myspace? Facebook is used for spying purposes, career exploitation, and to devour all constitutional rights. Your data is retained indefinitely, just like every other website. I deactivated my facebook account. Duh — now I see where I can possible delete it per your instructions — what do I have to do, sign into facebook again to delete it? Or wait 14 days and then delete — pardon my dumbness. Pls reply and thanks. Oh, I think I was successful in wiping all my friends off, etc. I just recently permanently deleted my account. So I went to permanently delete my account. So now I have to wait the two week grace period. Once it left your inbox it because the property of the person you sent it to — well, technically speaking Facebook owns it but you get my point. Or maybe that was too long ago. I permanently deleted mine in Oct 2010. Life is good without Facebook people! Definitely not acid free. I use an old Underwood manual typewriter. Laser printing on vintage paper is insulting both to the paper and the printer. They would have been horrified at the idea of everyone voluntarily handing over such intel. Trying to scare soccer moms that they are going to get stranded out in the desert, unable to use their own phone can only go so far. It remains timely as ever. I tried deleting my Facebook account and I followed the steps over and over but still not able to delete it. I know i typed them in correctly every time… I really need help. Do i need to reset my password then try? Is it purposely not letting me delete it? I spent hours trying to delete it. Soooo, I totally followed the steps in this blog a year and a half ago. Prior to that, I had deleted as much information as I possible could e. I also followed up by spamming facebook with emails demanding account deletion. So, here I am receiving spam from facebook saying that I have pending friend requests and such. I found myself here again to confirm that I followed the steps correctly, and this time prepared to take additional measures to ensure that the account has been terminated. I just attempted to log-in and it states that the email is not associated with any account. Bottom line: Falsify and lie your butt off on as much info as possible, and follow the steps listed on the blog. Hey Steve, I am studying Creative Multimedia at college here in Ireland. A few weeks back, this came up in one of my modules, Social Context of Technology and we discussed Facebook. They give your information to companys and to the government. For talk sake, If someone wanted to go back to the States again, they may be rejected…why? Because the government have been given data without your knowledge. In a way, I treat Facebook and other online services like a dangerous pet or a gun. Stay educated and informed and never let your guard down. When you get careless and make assumptions, you will get hurt. Hi Barry — Yes the internet is changing the world in more ways than we know. That is the main reason why I like to keep my readers informed here at my blog. Know what you are posting and who are you posting it to. Be an informed consumer and remember these corporations are in it to make money, not to provide a free service to you. Would you maybe recommend just using a blog site like WordPress, Tumblr etc. No disrespect to you and your colleagues of course : Steve, Yes, I am receiving emails of the sort from Facebook which goes straight to my spam folder. However, I believe it is simply a ruse used by Facebook to get me to sign up again. After all, we have all seen how hard they try to keep people with them, why not continue to market afterwards and trick people into thinking they still have people trying to contact us as an additional measure to bring people back. Hi, I know this is not related to your post. I have recently signed up for Facebook account. But few days later, they blocked me from signing back in asking for my phone number or credit card information to verify my account. So I have no choice but to create another account but few days later, I was blocked again! I thought the reason for the block was because I was sending too many messages in my first account, so I limited the number of messages that I sent out. But facebook blocked me again! Why, why do they have to do it this way? Someone told me that maybe to prevent spam. Youtube only allow 10 links. This is so frustrating! Can someone talk to facebook about this. I have no choice but to give up. First of all thanks for the great post. If so, would I be able to log in only to my Page after my personal account has been deleted? Thanks a lot for your help. Give your facebook account to a new user then let him use it. Your time is your family not any of this. Hopes this helps because I did not read all of replies here.. I mean I mean….. I can hog onto this email address until they reply though….. So that leaves emails and forums for general tech support and even then, good luck getting a real human. However even then, you will be lucky if you get a human. That being said, squeaky wheel gets the grease so keep trying and update us here on the final result! Would love to know! My adult son was violently killed in December of last year. I have emailed FB over 150 times supplying them with my CA License, the Power of Attorney, the death certificate and finally the site was taken down………. It is really tragic that FB needs to be in our personal grief! Very sorry to hear about your loss. That is really horrible. Unfortunately, if you take a look at the Facebook terms of service — , it states that you grant Facebook a license to use all the data uploaded even if the account is deleted IF the data is shared with other people. My suggestion would be to email and explain the situation with them and ask them to purge all data from the system regarding your son. Again, the problem here is Facebook has close to 1 billion customers now. And if they get a support request from just. A problem I guess with a free, popular service. Your best bet is likely going to be scrambling your information before you go through with the deletion. Even after deletion your name can still appear on wall posts on other peoples wall, in tagged pictures, private messages, and a few other places. If you change your name to something else before you delete it, the changes should change your name globally on any content linked to it. Just keep in mind that if you make it too ridiculous Facebook may treat it as an alias, rather than a name change. Since our Internet is still somewhat rather in its infancy stage criminal activity of all sorts is running rampart but I perceive that in the decades ahead such websites like fb will eventually lose-face and be replaced by similar but honest websites-to-come akin to the taming of the wild west. So how do I delete an account that I cant even access?? When I attempt to find my account it comes up, but with a statement that they dont believe that this is the account Im looking for. Ive sent emails and of course they direct me to the help section, which is useless. Has anyone had success with their FB being gone for good after the two weeks? Ok as far as not using any other sites that are linked to FB…. I was about to play Drawsomething on my Iphone and I guess I normally sign in using fb. Completely forgetting this I attempted to play but it said my attempt to log in failed due to my fb being in the 2 week deletion process with that being said would that affect the deletion process? Hi, my account has been deactivated for the best part of three years, and I now want to delete permanently. You have to have an active profile to fill these in. Any suggestions of how I can resolve this and delete my account? I was just on the phone with their over-the-phone customer service and they told me that it is impossible to delete my account after I had told them that I was able to deactivate it, just not able to delete it permanently. Can you believe that? They even went so far as to say that my account has been hacked for over a year. However, knowing my own account, I knew that there had been no activity on my account that was not my own doing and that it was hacker-free. Oh, and the most frustrating thing about it was that he was Indian and I could not understand a darn thing he was saying. So, I did a little scavenging on my own and I stumbled across your little helpful blog! The process was exactly how you described and easy to follow. However, there was something a little unexpected at the end. After it gave me the finalized notice for the 2 week waiting period I hit OK and another pop up came up saying that I have to sign in to continue? I thought it was over? They know I just deleted my account right? Well, needless to say I just closed the window and hoped for the best. I really hope that is it though! I reeeeaaaallyyyy, really, really hoped it did though. Please get back to me if you can! Again, thanks soooo much! I have a personal page and a business page. I want to delete my personal page or prevent myself using it but still be able to have access to and use my business page. I understand that most people expect a business to have a fb page so it would be foolish to delete that but I really dislike my personal page. What is the best way of getting around the issue that you cannot have a business page without a personal one please? Sorry, I know this is an old thread but I would be very grateful if you know of a way? Can I create a new personal account with my business email and link it to that somehow then delete my real facebook Account? So I think there are a few options. I TRIED to post a comment on a local NEWS CHANNELS website. As usual you have to sign up to do so. I have never signed up and have NO INTENTION of EVER joining facebook. But now it seems, even though I never completed my registration, never even clicked any links in that email, they have my address. Are there lawyers who handle this? Any class actions out there? If not there should be. I had two account at one time. The one that was a conservative ps with over 3. So I recommend misrepresenting you account and asking a friend to report it. FB will gladly remove your account for you in no time. Especially if you make it a conservative group. Ok, we can stop answering this now. Took forever in endless circles to FIND it but they do have a delete account in there. Then it takes time. Weeks, months, I forgot. And I would bet nothing is ever actually deleted, just not active. This is just one reason I want NOTHING TO DO WITH FACEBOOK!!!!! GEES get your OWN sites people. Anyone who knows me knows how to email, call, write….. BUT THERE IS A HACKER ON MY FACEBOOK AND I CANT GET RID OF HIM. HE HAS BEEN INTO MY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNTS WITH NO LUCK. I HAVE PLUS MANY OF MY FRIENDS HAVE REPORTED THEM. FACEBOOK HAS NOT HELPED AT ALL. LOOKS LIKE IM GOING TO HAVE TO CALL THE NEWS TO SEE IF THEY CAN HELP. ITS REALLY BAD THEY ARE TELLIING ME ITS FEDERAL AND I GOT 1000-00 AND I CAN SHOW THEM HOW SO I GOT TO HAVE SOME HELP AND FACE BOOK WONT HELP So after navigating the web to figure out how to get to the link to permanently delete my Facebook, I went ahead and followed the instructions. I entered my password and clicked on the correct photos, hit ok and then was told that my password was incorrect. I repeated several times to the same avail. It was the right password. Went to my account and changed my password and then immediately requested they delete my account. Provided my shiny new and absurd password and viola- I am in the 14 day period. I hate Facebook and all it stands for. I regret ever getting caught up with it. Godspeed everyone and thanks for the article. Someone opened a fake Facebook account posing as me with my old profile pic and gmail account. I still have my old one but I can not open it because the have changed my password. I now have four Facebook accounts that I can see. God only knows how many more they have opened. I created many Gmail accounts before I learned how to use my gmail on my android phone. I no longer have access to my computer or android phone. They are both being repaired. How do I permanently delete all Google accounts. I am using a friends computer to report this. Please I have been reporting my account was compromised since August but nothing has been done about it. Should I report to law enforcement that someone has stolen my identity? Please some out there has an answer for me. I wanted to delete my yahoo account. I really did not think it would be difficult. It was exactly like your experience. There was not delete account button anywhere obvious. I should have written down all the crazy hoops I had to jump though to finally delete my account. The when I finally hit delete my account, They got all weird. If you delete your yahoo account we will delete all your Flickr photos. Yahoo owns that site I think. It is like they are trying to bully you into wanting to stay.

ANDREW WROTE: Hi there. I am glad that helped you in any way. And which in doing that actually takes everything off fb per the fb messages. Our postal address for correspondence is Feeld Limited, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE, United Kingdom. If you want to use Amazon at any time in the future after you have deleted your account, you must create a new account. She also created video sincere CDs and online training classes for Microsoft Outlook. So I have no choice but to create another account but few days later, I was blocked again. However, feeld delete account agree that Field Nation, LLC may monitor the feeld delete account of the Web Site to 1 comply with any applicable laws, regulations or other la requests; 2 to operate the Web Site properly or to protect itself and its customers; and 3 for such other purposes as it may deem reasonably necessary or appropriate from time to time. Use of Feeld Access to and use of Feeld is subject to these Terms of Use. We are not responsible for the conduct of any member.

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